In this article we describe the Maslow Theory of Motivation, a psychology model often used in marketing to map out the universal needs of people in a pyramid.
What is Maslow’s Theory of Motivation?
Maslow’s Theory of Motivation is one of the most familiar theories from psychology and concerns the universal need of people. According to Maslow, people strive for the same needs. Accordingly, he divided these into groups and constructed a hierarchy. As soon as the needs within a group are fulfilled, one will mainly strive for needs from the following hierarchical group. He himself has never coined it a pyramid yet should people hear "pyramid of needs", they would think of Maslow’s name.
How does Maslow’s Pyramid of Needs look like?
Maslow’s Pyramid of Needs hierarchy Maslow’s Pyramid of Needs has the following hierarchy:
Basic needs / Corporal needs
The first group consists mainly of the purely corporal basic needs such as sleep, eat and drink, defecation, bodily health and sex.
Need for Security
After the basic needs are fulfilled, one goes to seek security in order to be able to survive. Health, a job (financially) and a place to live in are good examples thereof.
Need for Love
But as soon as one fulfills the basic needs as well as security, one goes to seek for more. People then want friendship, love and family.
Need for Self-Esteem
At this point a person has found a place in the world to survive. It fulfills the basic needs, security and there is also a group of people to share it. But still, it is not enough. Now the person is seeking respect, recognition and appreciation from others and also from one’s self as well. Examples are experience, status, recognition and self-esteem.
Need for Self-Realisation
In the last level, it’s about using one’s own potential. Achieve everything you can! Developing personality, the world, the environment but also, for example, one’s own creative ambitions.