In this article we describe the FOETSJE Principle, an aid for analysing setting targets.
What is the FOETSJE Principle?
FOETSJE is an abbreviation and an aid for analysing target-setting, strategy and strategic options. It is, among others, applied in the SWOT Analysis and Confrontation Matrix to test the chosen strategy. After formulating a prefered strategy, proceed to researching whether it is feasible. A convenient aid for this is the FOETSJE Principle. As soon as the questions can be answered with a ‘yes’, there’s a great chance that the prefered strategy is feasible.
What does FOETSJE consist of?
- F: Financial are there enough means available to carry out the plan?
- O: Organisational is the plan organisationally feasible?
- E: Economical does the plan fit within the targets set by the organisation?
- T: Technological is the plan technically feasible?
- S: Social does the plan fit within the social targets set by the organisation?
- J: Judicial is the plan judicially feasible?
- E: Ethical is the plan ecologically responsible?
The FOETSJE Principle is often applied to get a good gist of the feasibility and attractiveness of strategic options or targets rather simply and quickly. Reasoned choices can be made by making this comprehensible.
When to use FOETSJE?
The FOETSJE Principle is often applied in: Marketingplan - Strategy development, in a SWOT Analysis or for analysing goals.