In this article we describe the Abell Business definition Model (Abell Three Dimensional Business Definition Model), often applied to analyze a business’s scope of operation.
What is the Abell business definition model?
Abell’s Model is often applied to analyse a business’s scope of operation. Which technologies and products does a business operate in a market with? And what kind of target group does it respond to? The Abell Analysis is a handy aid in delineating the market.
Why the Abell business definition?
Abell’s Model provides a clear market delineation of the current activities of an organisation. Besides that, it can be used to tune a business’s future strategic policy to changes in the market.
How does Abell’s Model look like?

What are the dimensions of the Abell business definition model?
The Abell Model recognises three dimensions:
Customers Groups - Who? --- Target groups of, for example, “age 65+”.
Customer Needs /Demands What?--- The consumers’ demand, for example, “quality”
Technologies How? --- In what way can the demands of the customer be addressed? For example, “men’s fashion” Combinations (product-market combinations) are created from the Abell Model.